Wah Wah Club is a big party, it’s the scene, it’s friendship, it’s Lo-Fi, it’s pure.
Wah Wah club is nothing fake, it’s the sweat, the voice and sound of out beloved bands, the shaking legs of our wild dancers, the vinyls and the hands of our djs. Wah Wah club is full of love, it’s the place for friends and kisses, where your bad moments turn into good ones. Wah Wah club loves to move as a gipsy, so be careful and check our myspace to know where we’re gonna party! We could bring our noise everywhere! We love every kind of music. Our djs like to play indie rock, electro, pop, punk, rock’n’roll, oldies, 60s beat and so on.
We’re sure you’ll find what you like, fall in love and never forget us.

mercoledì 30 novembre 2011


Ascolta Tropical Pizza su Radio Deejay il 6 dicembre e potrai assistere al concerto dei Metronomy al Wah Wah Club!



Metronomy have toured widely throughout the UK and Europe supporting acts such as Bloc Party, CSS, Klaxons, Kate Nash and Justice. They engaged in their first headline UK tour in 2008. Metronomy have also played gigs in America and Canada notably at the 2007 SXSW.
Up until April 2009 Joseph Mount's performance of keyboards, vocals, and guitar in the live band was accompanied by members Oscar Cash (keyboards, melodica and saxophone), and Gabriel Stebbing (keyboards and bass guitar). Since Stebbing's departure from Metronomy in 2009 their live set has been known as Metronomy 2.0 and has been highly praised by Stebbing.
Metronomy's new band features former Lightspeed Champion drummer Anna Prior, and bassist Gbenga Adelekan.
Metronomy's live shows include dance routines and light shows. Most notably they use push lights stuck to their chests. Mount explained in an interview where the idea came from:
"We did our first gig in Brighton and a few days before I saw these lights in a pound shop and I thought ‘we'll whack these on our t-shirts and do some synchronized light shows!’ I'm totally aware that some people hate it but equally I think some people enjoy it just for the fact that it's a bit of fun."
Metronomy will be performing at Field Day music festival in Sydney, Australia on New Years Day 2012


martedì 29 novembre 2011


Metronomy are an electronic music group formed by Joseph Mount in Totnes, Devon, England in 1999. The current band consists of Joseph Mount (composer, singer, keyboards and guitar), Anna Prior (drums and vocals), Oscar Cash (saxophone, backing vocals, guitars and keyboards) and Gbenga Adelekan (bass guitar and vocals). Their music consists of instrumental electronic music and more recently, with the release of Nights Out, vocal electronic pop music. Mount also releases remixes under the name Metronomy, and has remixed many artists including Gorillaz, Roots Manuva, Franz Ferdinand, Klaxons, Goldfrapp, The Young Knives, Zero 7, Ladytron, Kate Nash, Lady Gaga and Lykke Li.
Metronomy have, thus far, released three albums of original material, Pip Paine (Pay The £5000 You Owe), Nights Out and The English Riviera which was released in April 2011.

Pre -Metronomy

Before Joseph started writing music as Metronomy he, Gabriel and friend Kevin Hawes, who died in 2005, performed and wrote music as part of The Upsides and The Customers.
The Upsides were a band that Joseph and Gabriel joined when still in their early teens. According to Joseph they "played proper original pop songs - we like to think we were the original Busted" . The band came to an end when both guys moved to Brighton to start university.
The Customers started out in 1996 as a studio project for Will and Gregg who lived in a neighbouring village to Joseph's and Gabriel's home in Devon, but did not enter its present form until all members had moved from Devon to Sussex.
Will worked with Gabriel and played out live under the guise of Willis. The name changed to The Customers on Christmas Day 2001. Joseph joined the band as drummer in 2002 and they welcomed Gregg back into the line up to complete the four piece.

martedì 22 novembre 2011



Hometown: Brighton.

The lineup: Sam McGarrigle (vocals, music).

The background: This is great. Apologies for giving away the punchline, but it is. Or rather, he is, and we say "he" though he sounds like a girl, always a favourite of ours. He is Sam McGarrigle, a Brighton boy, barely out of his teens, who used to be in a band called Hocus Tocus and is now operating as a UK alternative to all those solipsistic Stateside synth kids (Perfume Genius, Idiot Glee, Porcelain Raft) that we've been banging on about these last couple of years. He's only just started writing on his own, and already he's amassed a mini-album's worth of tracks, titled the Teen Jamz EP, which you can buy from his Bandcamp page. There is one song that predates this latest material, called Waiting for You, which apparently was his attempt to evoke the pop-funk of his heroes Prince, Bowie and Michael Jackson, but to us it sounds more like some long-forgotten 80s MTV hit sung by a ghostly girl.
Ghostly? This is a homegrown variant on spectral, post-Ariel Pink static-drenched pop, and it presents our hero sat at his laptop, half-asleep, with one ear cocked to a radio or TV through the wall that is playing endless old tunes from pop's second golden age (1976-1984). The EP opens with We're Awake Tonight, featuring the famous riff from ELO's Mr Blue Sky, over which McGarrigle applies his high, camp (or high-camp) or simply effeminate vocal. It's really hard to find actual precedents for the sound blend he's achieved here: ELO meets glam, then fed through a hypnagogic filter. Not so much shock of the new as shock of the "ooh!". Teen Jamz is early rock'n'roll as re-envisaged by a 21st-century computer kid with the whole history of everything – and the means to reproduce it – at his disposal. Sweetest Touch (download it free here) has a Nirvana-esque bassline and a guitar sound that provides the missing link between glitter-rock and grunge. Can't Ignore My Heart finds McGarrigle tortured by an eternal quandary ("I wish that I was by myself ... I get scared when I'm by myself") over lo-fi drums and a lovely synth twinkle. The EP's closing track, Dream Gurl, is a parody of (or more likely a homage to) a lighters-aloft rock ballad with yet more snatches of twisted lyricism. There are three extra tracks, if you buy the EP, that we've yet to hear but the titles alone are tantalising: there's PYT (a cover of the Jackson song?), Sick (always a great word to have in a pop song) and Yesterdays (maybe not so much). We're going to buy it right now.

The buzz: "Recalling the pop sensibility of ELO, the grunge riffs of early Nirvana, the carefree adolescence of Loser-era Beck and the lo-fi production of Ariel Pink" – thesoundsofsweetnothing.tumblr.com.

The truth: It's an ultra-vivid dream of a version of perfect pop, Bolan's glam boogie recalled via Davy Henderson's Win and put through an Ariel Pink filter.

Most likely to: Be magical.

Least likely to: Be gross.

What to buy: The Teen Jamz EP is released by the Sounds of Sweet Nothing on 8 August.

File next to: T-Rex, Nirvana, Porcelain Raft, Win.

Links: thesoundsofsweetnothing.bandcamp.com.

lunedì 14 novembre 2011


WAH WAH CLUB w/ RONI SIZE & Mc Dynamite 
Report serata by: takemeout.it

Esistono futuri improbabili, già scritti in destini inverosimili.
Esistono scenari ipotetici, dove il labile confine tra bene e male appartiene a un ricordo lontano, lasciato a marcire nella ridondanza di dati danneggiati, delle nostre obsolete memorie di massa malconce.
Esiste un luogo eletto a simbolo della follia dell’uomo, dove i prati non sono mai esistiti, dove le lingue d’asfalto hanno cacciato il mare, dove il petrolio e la chimica hanno avvelenato l’aria.
Un luogo dove il sole ha smesso di mostrarsi, dove la vita si è messa da parte lasciando spazio alla sopravvivenza.
  Questo luogo esiste, anzi questo luogo è tutto ciò che ci rimane a causa della nostra abbietta cecità. La mancanza di lungimiranza, l’illusione nel progresso, il denaro, il disprezzo e l’odio hanno creato tutto questo.
Il nostro “inferno”, e in realtà un luogo che siamo costretti a chiamare “casa”.
Un territorio ostile, di poche decine di chilometri quadrati, dove si concentrano le ultime sacche di ribellione, e dove, ancora resta appeso a un filo l’ultimo barlume di speranza.
La zona è sotto il controllo organizzato delle diverse bande, muoversi di notte equivale a scommettere sulla propria vita, restare in casa equivale a morire di stenti o di sete.
Laddove non esistono regole, la prima regola da tenere a mente, é quella di non farsi ammazzare.
E se le cose non dovessero essere già abbastanza complicate, a regolare i conti in questa bizzarra società, c’è lui, il coniglietto atomico, frutto bastardo delle guerre NBC, sicario di professione, assassino per vocazione.
In un mondo in cui la giustizia non esiste, e dove la vendetta si consuma per principio, il ruolo del coniglietto è abbastanza semplice da spiegare, tu paghi e lui uccide.
Il coniglietto atomico è un personaggio assurdo, sembra uscito da una tavola di Masamune Shirow, veste una lunga mimetica da contractor, nera, anfibi Swat in Goretex con la suola VIBRAM, neri anch’essi, nessuno sa bene che faccia abbia perché indossa sempre una maschera antigas con filtro A2B2E2K1, sulla sua testa svettano due lunghe orecchie da coniglio bianche, frutto del body mutation, dovuta alla contaminazione nucleare del DNA.
Quella sera il coniglietto atomico, aveva un lavoretto facile facile da fare.
Via della pila 103 era scritto sul foglietto che ripiegò e mise in tasca; avrebbe dovuto introdursi in un circolo della gang “Wah Wah”, e durante il party in corso, senza dare troppo nell’occhio, piantare due proiettili nella fronte del Dj della serata, per risolvere una vecchia questione di un debito mai saldato.
Il locale era stracolmo, una moltitudine di gente, di ogni risma e razza, tutti particolarmente esaltati. Si vedevano rocker, nomadi, ravers, alternativi, cyber innestati, droidi, trafficanti di software e ricettatori di organi.
Le luci a strobo sparavano mitragliate di flash sulla folla compatta, un odore acre di carne sudata, alcool e organismi biomeccanici, permeava l’aria artificiale.
L’impianto sonoro, alla massima potenza, scuoteva le membra dei partecipanti al rito, con potentissimi colpi di drum and bass.
Il cerimoniere, con soddisfazione, se ne stava dietro la console, sul palco, a cambiare i dischi di continuo, componendo una playlist da cardiopalma.
Il coniglietto pensò che non fosse la situazione ideale per agire, troppe persone a ostacolarlo e non avrebbe avuto una facile via di fuga, quindi per ingannare l’attesa, e depistare, si lasciò coinvolgere anche lui dalla musica e si lancio in una danza scomposta. Avrebbe atteso la fine del set per liquidare l’ottimo Dj.
Un’ottima soluzione si disse, mentre ballando, si strusciava addosso a un paio di squaw biomeccaniche dai capelli blu.
Alle ore tre e venti, sui piatti smise di girare l’ultimo pezzo, il Dj raccolse armi e bagagli, e si diresse verso la zona backstage, il coniglietto come un’ombra dietro di lui.
Il Dj entrò all’interno di un locale molto particolare, una sorta di loft, con divanetti di pelle, un vecchio biliardino, e una splendida Lambretta dell’anteguerra che nonostante i suoi novant’anni, dominava l’ambiente perfettamente conservata.
Il Dj, sistemò le sue cose, prese un asciugamano e andò verso il bagno, il coniglietto controllò che non l’avesse seguito nessuno, entrò a sua volta nella stanza dirigendosi verso il bagno.
Tirò fuori dalla fondina, la Glok G38, tolse la sicura, diede un calcio alla porta del cesso e si trovo faccia a faccia con il Dj intento a dare le ultime scrollate.
“Questa è stata la tua ultima serata, amico!” Disse il coniglietto puntando la pistola sulla faccia spaventata del tipo.
Appoggio il dito sul grilletto, e stava per fare fuoco, quando senti una fitta lancinante allo stomaco, lascio cadere l’arma e si accasciò di colpo a terra, dietro di lui una grupie ossigenata sconvolta se ne stava con un coltellaccio sporco di sangue tra le mani.
“Scappa Roni” urlò la tipa, mentre sferrava calci all’impazzata al coniglietto.
I due fuggirono via, tra le tenebre, mentre il coniglietto agonizzante, giaceva steso nel pavimento, senza nemmeno una carota.



London based duo Age of Consent release their debut single “The Beach” on 5th September.

Age of Consent are Joe Reeves and Darren Cullen, former members of Shitdisco. Since Shitdisco’s split they’ve set up their own studio in East London and started working on new material as well as producing great remixes for the likes of Gary Numan, La Roux and Yuksek among others. They make dark, dystopian gothic-pop influenced by bands and production duos such as The Big Pink, Suicide and Yeasayer.

Their debut single “The Beach” was recorded in a 16th century Italian farmhouse with producer Luke Smith who has previously worked with Depeche Mode, Foals and Crystal Fighters.

Directed by Gareth Phillips (Cat's Eyes, Is Tropical) the video references the French Situationist movement and their idea; “Sous le paves. la plage” / “Beneath the pavement, the beach”. Drawing upon dream-like imagery, it explores the desire to escape from normality.

Watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNyn0LVKNCI

In only a few months of playing live, Age of Consent have taken their percussive live show to Italy, Austria and across the UK. They have played with The Drums, Fiction, Is Tropical, Koudlam & Tiga.

venerdì 11 novembre 2011


" He is ugly, he is electro, he is undead.... he is WASA3I "

" When there's no more room in hell, the dead will dance on earth "



xxx WASA3I - Live Set from Hell.. ready to be scared ?



xxx NO ONE KNOWS - dubstep warmup

xxx DONZAUKER - visual show

ingresso 10 euro con drink
comunicazione dall'aldilà riservata ai soci arci



As well as live performances, the band have become well known for their regular DJ sets, playing from the likes of Bugged Out, Gatecrasher & Modular parties in the UK to Judgement Sundays in Ibiza, a recent North American DJ tour and extensively in the Far East. They have attracted a reputation for a raucous show, often reported to crowd surf during the set and spray the crowd with alcohol from super soakers, and now they ar going to play at Wah wah Club! Don't miss it on the 7th December 2011!

giovedì 10 novembre 2011


Interview: Darren Cullen of Shitdisco

A toilet factory is not the place you’d expect to find a band with the musical success of Shit Disco – but this band is not your average indie outfit.  Rising from the tempestuous Glasgow squat party scene, Shitdisco have recently added another string to their eclectic musical bow.  Whilst taking time to record their hotly anticipated second album the northern 4-piece have embarked on numerous DJ sessions, accumulating in an impending US tour. It is in this frame of mind that I meet Darren Cullen, drummer and now a successful DJ in his own right.  
Over a relaxing pint in a sheltered corner of Elephant and Castle (Shitdisco’s new squat party region of choice - and home to the aforementioned toilet factory of which Darren is currently a resident) Darren is the first to admit the group were not always so skilled in the art of the decks: "It was kinda like really rudimentary iTunes – like picking track after track – and that’s about it."

As students at Glasgow Art School, Shitdisco formed gradually during the (now legendary) house parties held at Darren’s house. "They had such a good atmosphere, it was just like anything goes, and my house was half- dilapidated so I wasn’t too fussed about people trashing the place." Born out of this vibe the band spread their mayhem to London and have since evolved their musical ambitions, regardless of their initial lack of expertise.

"We’ve learnt that people don’t really care if you fade in a song right – some of the best DJ gigs we've done are ones were we don’t concentrate on the technical side and just get a strobe out and wave it in the air – or when we dance in the crowd or give audience members all our alcohol." This sense of freedom has passed from their recordings as a band onto the live DJ gigs resulting in an experience Darren describes as "hard electro bass with a custard of daft punk and indie remixes."
Whilst admitting there are differences between their music and their DJ sets ("all the pop shit goes out the window") Darren assures the Shitdisco mantra is still upheld: "We’re always trying to get back to the party thing, make it different from any other club night or live gig – like your in someone’s living room – like we're not supposed to be doing it."
Having travelled all over the world, from Thailand and Japan to France and Italy, Shitdisco are at the cusp of recording their second album but that doesn’t mean their DJ career will stop. "At first it was a way of being able to keep playing to the crowds when we were writing," Darren confesses, "[but] now you can see the effect it has had on our music – the new stuff is definitely more dance orientated and electro.”
Furthering their DJ expertise, Shitdisco have recently embarked on a different breed of touring. Fans of the band need only request their presence at a house party on their MySpace to be in with a chance to host an intimate party with the guys. "We turn up with a twin pronged green laser, strobe and smoke machine and set it up in someone’s living room and it turns into Ibiza or something - you see people stagger in ‘like what the hell?’- its insane!"
When asked to describe the last few years of his life Darren has only two words: "completely ridiculous!" And with the new album and the start of a blazing DJ career just around the corner it looks like things aren’t going to be calming down anytime soon.

martedì 8 novembre 2011


From 2003-2006 the band played live & DJed at free parties in their drummer's flat on Glasgow's West Princes Street that became known locally as "61" (the street number of the building.) During 2005 through till their eviction these parties occurred on almost a monthly basis. Shitdisco would play in the living room, which due to the large Victorian design of the building could hold up to 250 people. Including the rest of the flat the capacity of such parties was upwards of 400.
On only three occasions were these parties closed down by the police. One such incident involved beer bottles and other missiles being thrown at a passing police car by people on the roof. Riot police swiftly arrived and charged through both doors of the flat and attempted to arrest the culprits but were prevented from reaching them by an uncooperative crowd. On other occasions relations with the police were better, with the authorities unwilling to devote the manpower needed to clear a house of so many people. Uninterrupted, the parties would often last the entire weekend.
Drummer Darren was evicted in Spring 2006 and threatened with a £10,000 lawsuit for damage done to the property during his tenancy. The band have since opened an offer to play house parties elsewhere whenever they are on tour.

Other bands to have played at the parties:
  • Mother and the Addicts
  • Haunted House Party
  • ELVIS starring Ricky Aaron

lunedì 7 novembre 2011


Shitdisco, (stylised as SHITDISCO) was a Dance-punk band from Glasgow, Scotland. They were formed in 2003 while studying at the Glasgow School of Art. Their first single "Disco Blood"/"I Know Kung Fu" was released in December 2005 and sold out quickly. They are signed to record label Fierce Panda. Shitdisco released their debut album Kingdom of Fear on the 16 April 2007.
Until they were evicted in summer 2006, the band held free parties in a large dilapidated house on Glasgow's West Princes Street, known locally as "61". They have attracted a reputation for organising and playing free parties and raves in peculiar places; including squats, streets, abandoned railway tunnels, shipping containers and caravans.
The group have been compared to Talking Heads and The Rapture, but admit influences ranging from Donna Summer, Arthur Russel and The Prodigy to Gang of Four and The Clash. Since the release of "Disco Blood"/"I Know Kung Fu" the band has toured extensively in the UK and Europe, even playing as far afield as Bangkok and Istanbul. In 2007 they signed to Sony Music in Japan and Dim Mak Records in America.
In 2009, they split up after mutual agreement. They continue to DJ and members have gone on the form the bands Age of Consent (band) and Ubre Blanca (band).


mercoledì 2 novembre 2011


WAH WAH CLUB - Wednesday 7th December 2011


Dal secondo posto della Top 50 “Migliori Album dei 2011”

From [UK]

Joseph Mount ha creato "Metronomy" mentre viveva ancora a Devon, come progetto aggiuntivo alle varie band in cui suonava la batteria. Ha sempre detto che tutte queste band si fossero sciolte a causa delle fidanzate. Usando un computer obsoleto vendutogli dal padre, Mount ha iniziato a creare composizioni elettroniche per conto suo. Il nome Metronomy è stato scelto perché suonava interessante ed era in sintonia con le due band di cui faceva parte, gli Autechre e i Funkstorung.Dopo essersi spostato a Brighton, il nome di Metronomy inizia a godere di una certa reputazione per le esibizioni dal vivo, a volte di Mount come solista, altre vole accompagnato da Gabriel Stebbing e Oscar Cash, che facevano da band di supporto con il nome di The Food Groups. In seguito, sono stati entrambi incorporati nella band.Nell'autunno del 2005, i Metronomy hanno pubblicato il loro album di debutto, Pip Paine (Pay the £5000 You Owe). Nei 3 anni successivi, Mount ha creato remix di molti artisti, spesso aggiungendo anche nuovi pezzi vocali e strumentali.Nel 2008, la band ha pubblicato i singoli "My Heart Rate Rapid", "Holiday", "Heartbreaker", "A Thing For Me" e "Radio Ladio", e l'album "Nights Out", uscito nel settembre di quello stesso anno. Nel maggio del 2009 è stato annunciato, tramite il Myspace della band, che Stebbing avrebbe lasciato la band. Joseph scrisse "E' un accordo amichevole, e mi ha assicurato di non pensare di star abbandonando una nave che affonda". Stebbing al momento sta lavorando con la sua band, gli Your Twenties, prodotti da Mount. Nonostante questo, Stebbing è tornato a suonare il basso insieme ai Metronomy per la loro performance al Green Man 2010.

• Joseph Mount - voce, tastiere e chitarra
• Anna Prior - batteria
• Oscar Cash - sassofono, tastiera e seconda voce
• Gbenga Adelekan - basso, voce



Altro special guest della serata: Gross Magic ovvero Sam McGarrigle.
E’ uno stralunato giovanotto di Brighton ed anche uno dei nomi più attesi del 2012, che presenterà il suo EP di debutto "Teen Jamz", una lodevole operetta Lo-fi sulla scia del maestro Ariel Pink, ed avrà l'onore di aprire il tour europeo dei METRONOMY.
web: grossmagic.webstarts.com/dsdsf.html



Ma non è finita qui, infatti sempre dall’Inghilterra vengono a trovarci AGE OF CONSENT live & SHITDISCO djs show!

Gli Shitdisco sono i classici cazzoni da compagnia: belli, casinisti, fuori forma, alcolizzati, ma "conoscono il kung fu". Pionieri del new rave, i ragazzacci di Glasgow hanno una passione per il bel Paese e il 7 dicembre vengono qui con il nuovo progetto: Age of Consent (per il Live show), suoni più midnight pop e meno acidi. E terranno in piedi tutti il dj set.



Ad aprire la serata un altro live elettrizzante, gli unici Italiani della serata i NERD FOLLIA!




Tel. Number (Italy only) +39 348 4045471

Fb profile: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1526108557
Mail: wahwahclubtickets@gmail.com
For foreign customers the only payment accepted is Pay Pal.


GATE OPEN: h 22.00
Comunicazione e INGRESSO riservati ai soci ARCI


☎ +39 393 75 73 462